Research Agenda
As enhanced devices at the edge of the network exploit artificial intelligence, even novel computing challenges are raised. In my current research agenda, I investigate all aspects related to distributed intelligent systems for supporting cities and communities, with a strong focus on optimizing decentralized and self-organized systems. My research finds application in several domains, among which smart city, mobility, healthcare, cultural heritage and natural disasters.
Short Biography
I am an assistant professor in the Future Computing Research Laboratory at the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Hearth Sciences of the University of Messina, Italy. I was research fellow in the same university and I earned my Ph.D. in the Department of Engineering at University of Reggio Calabria, Italy, in May 2020 under the supervision of Massimo Villari. I was Visiting PhD Student in the Distributed Systems Group, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria between March and September 2018, hosted by prof. Schahram Dustdar. I was a Visiting Researcher in the STACK team, Inria, Nantes, France between June and September 2024, hosted by Dr. Daniel Balouek.
I led activities related to the technical area for the Horizon 2020 project “FLIWARE” and the Italian FISR “Re-functionalization of the Contemporary”. From 2018 to 2020, I worked as software developer of Humanizing Technologies GmbH in Vienna, one of the most appreciated suppliers of non-industrial robots and robot software worldwide. From 2020, I am an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. From 2021, I am authorized to practice as Information Engineer (Italy, Section A). From 2022, I led activities related to artificial intelligence in federated cloud/edge environments for the Horizon Europe TEMA project. From 2023, I led the activitie related to the artificial intelligence optimization for microcontrollers for the Horizon Europe NEUROKIT2E project.
I have been teacher of Algorithms and Computational Intelligence classes at the University of Messina, Italy. I was Guest Lecturer at the School of Computing, Newcastle University, United Kingdom in 2024. I am reviewer of respected Springer, IEEE and Elsevier Journals, member of the CINI InfoLife Laboratory, CINI Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems Laboratory and IFIP Working Group 12.9 about Computational Intelligence. I am Associate Editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI, MDPI Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, and Elsevier Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, co-chairs of IEEE Workshops (DistInSys, MrICHE, and AI4Health), program chair of UCC 2023 and FLTA 2024 and co-author of more than 55 manuscripts.